Short Story


We Wonder, as We Wander

A lonely wanderer. It’s mid morning. As I glance through a deserted forest, silent strains of music waiting to be written, seem to move through the trees like a breeze from the ocean. There isn’t a sound, except for birds separated by distances too far to see each other, chirping messages back and forth .

Paths made by previous wanderers, wind beneath the canopy, as patches of sunlight reach toward the forest floor .

Nothing disturbs the peace of this scene, except for a solitary chipmunk or small red squirrel scurrying about for pieces of nuts or berries on the earth’s carpet of grasses and twigs. Small rocks lay strewn against each other, here and there, creating homes for the ground moles or rodents who live in this world of their own.

I walked through this world the day after my retirement, trying to find meaning to my new role in life.

Is this serenity, I thought ? Days and seasons come and go, but this overall scene remains unchanged. Outside, the world moves on; wars, discoveries, mankind marches forward. Hearts beat as one along many paths of human endeavor, I decided. But, people of different ages, live in different worlds at different times.

For example, my mother-in-law was born in 1901 and died in 1991. Electric lights lifted the world from darkness only 20 years before her birth and during her lifetime the other life changing developments were, Radio, Telegraph & TV for communication, Automobiles, Trains & Planes for travel, we placed a man on the Moon with rocket and space technology, Computers were designed for millions of applications and the Internet for sharing the information of the world.

Can you imagine, from a world of Darkness to Space travel to Communication and Information sharing by the common man in less than one person’s life time. And, although these developments that so significantly changed the way people live were achieved in such a short period of time, the rate of growth in new information today is almost immeasurably more .

How much more will the way we live or the meaning we give to life be different in the next 100 years ? Will medical advances allow people to live forever ? Although it may seem unbelievable, compare it to the discoveries made during her lifetime and what people would have thought if you suggested such things to them 100 years before they occurred ? The rate and availability of Global Information has already developed the concept of the Cosmic Mind in relation to total awareness of our environment ; physically, politically, economically, socially, religiously, educationally, etc.

In 1901, it probably took most of a full day to do the laundry, another full day to bake, a full day to travel 50 miles on most roads, and so on. Our daily worlds were much smaller in relation to what could be done or the number of people we interacted with directly.

I am truly thankful to live during this time, where unlimited information is available to the common man.

If we can solve the Energy problem and the Universe continues to allow a friendly environment, our potential future could be both unimaginable and exciting .

And, we will continue to Wonder as we Wander .



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